Revenue Generation
Designed to minimize capital costs & operational expenses. Our technology is accessible for companies of every size.
Compact & Modular Design
Sapphire’s FreeSpin® In-line Turboexpander is designed to minimize capital expenditure and operating expense, making our technology accessible to companies of every size. The turboexpander is designed to function efficiently over a wide range of flows and desired pressure reductions while reducing operational costs. Compact design and modular construction make Sapphire’s FreeSpin® easy to install and maintain. Our system utilizes reliable active magnetic bearings to deliver continuous uptime with a 20-year design life.
Keeping the capital costs and operating expenses low also contributes to a lower Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) – the price at which the generated electricity should be sold for the system to break even at the end of its lifetime. The lower LCOE of FreeSpin® systems make the investment comparable to, and competitive with, more traditional cleantech options such as wind and solar.
While financial returns are location specific, FreeSpin® technology typically results in a return on the initial investment within one to three years.
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Hydrogen Gas
